Education Planner
For High School Students | Website | Resources |
Interactive self-assessments to discover what you’re good at and where you may have room for improvement.
For: High School Students | Website | Resources |
Educational resource with videos on topics on all course subjects to assist in learning or review.
Khan Academy
For All Ages | Website | Interactive Resources |
Expert-created content and resources for every course and level. Always free.
My Study Life
For: Teens & Adults | Interactive | App |
Provides users with a planner for school and allows them to gain organizational and time management skills.
Pomodoro Studying Technique
For: All Ages | Website | Interactive Resource & Article |
The Pomodoro Technique teaches you to work with time, instead of struggling against it. A revolutionary time management system, it is at once deceptively simple to learn and life-changing to use.
Tutoring opportunities
Free 24/7 tutoring through paper.co
Mt. SAC offers FREE Math and Science tutoring through Zoom. Students who are interested should click the link below and complete the steps here to register. You will then receive a Zoom link once you have completed the registration steps and they have processed your application. Monday- Thursday 6:30-8:30pm
Pandemic Professors is a FREE online tutoring service for low-income students. Check out the website and apply for ongoing tutoring. Click link below for more information.
SchoolHouse.World offers FREE small group math tutoring available. They will match students to tutors who assist with high school math and SAT prep. Click link below and apply to be match up with a tutor.