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South Hills High School
Peer Counseling Program

South Hill’s Peer Counseling program provides students with the essential information and skills necessary to counsel and support students in need and is designed for peer to peer interaction and support. The primary goal of the Peer Counseling program is to be an effective tool for providing prevention, intervention, and referral services to students experiencing social/emotional difficulties in conjunction with South Hills Wellness Center. The main theme of the course is helping peer counselors empower others and themselves, with a strong focus on applying the lessons toward self-growth, inclusion and empathy. The success of Peer Counseling program is based on the premise that effectively trained and motivated young people have the ability to positively influence the attitudes and behavior of their peers.

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This course will provide students with the essential information and skills necessary to counsel, mediate and support students in need and is designed for peer to peer interaction and support.

  • Unit I: General Counseling Guidelines and Procedures: Developing Social Ease/Self-Awareness and Team Building

  • Unit II: Communication, Conflict and Caring: Identifying the Difference between "Ordinary" and "Active" Listening

  • Unit III; Crisis and Grief/Loss: 

  • Unit IV: Personal Growth and Self-Care

  • Unit V; Love and Relationships

  • Unit VI: Counseling in Groups

  • Unit VII: Psychology Theories and Counseling



This course will provide students who have completed Peer Counseling I with a more in-depth study of counseling theory and  skills necessary to counsel, mediate and support students in need and is designed for peer to peer interaction and support.

  • Unit I: Peer Counseling Guidelines/Procedures, Dimensions of Wellness ad Skills Overview

  • Unit II: Psychoeducation and Leadership Skills

  • Unit III: Using Data & Research to Determine Needs, Priorities, and Program Adjustment

  • Unit IV: Important Teen Topics


“Talking to a peer counselor really helped me get a better understanding and different perspectives that I needed for the situation that I had addressed.”​

“Meeting with a peer counselor has benefited me a lot because I got to debrief and talk to someone who didn’t know me personally so she could give me her honest opinion and help.”

“The peer counselor made me feel comfortable and welcome while I was talking to her. She was a good listener and had good feedback. Overall I think the meeting went well and I would definitely look forward to talking to her again in the future.”

“My peer counselor told me to just breathe and that people like her and others are here for me and are always here to help. She listened to me and everything I had to say and encouraged me that I would get through this and was very supportive”

Abstract Horizon

Intersted in Peer Counseling?

Reach out to your counselor to discuss adding Peer Counseling to your schedule. Applications are required!

Mental Health Resources Web-page Disclaimers:
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 9-1-1 for immediate assistance or to request a wellness check

The purpose of this web-page is to provide information. It is not an endorsement or recommendation of any specific agency, company, provider, treatment modality, app, or product nor is it an exhaustive list of resources.

Covina-Valley Unified School District and its employees will not be held personally, professionally, legally, or financially liable for how an individual utilizes the information found on this page.
Like all forms of online information, the content and quality of the information on this page may change over time.It is the primary responsibility of the user to use their individual judgment and to consult with their health care professional to ensure that the use of "mental health", "behavioral" or "wellness" apps are appropriate for their treatment.
"Mental health", "behavioral" or "wellness" apps are meant to be used in conjunction with ongoing treatment by a qualified professional. They are not a replacement for qualified mental health treatment.

When downloading or using "mental health", "behavioral" or "wellness" apps, there is a chance that you will transmit sensitive personal information to the company that owns the apps. The Covina-Valley Unified School District and it's employees are not affiliated with such services and cannot guarantee the confidentiality of such information.

There may be financial costs associated with mental health services including apps via their direct purchase or in-app purchases. Such costs must be paid for by the individual/user.

​© 2021 South Hills Wellness Center

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